NMB Kollel's
7th Annual Dinner
February 22nd, 2015 6:00 PM

Meet Our Honorees

ZALMY AND MIRIAM COHEN are role models for their chessed and work for the K’lal. Zalmy, originally from Lakewood, NJ, and now running a very substantial printing business, was one of the driving forces behind the start of the NMB “night kollel,” which eventually evolved into our North Miami Beach Kollel. Despite the responsibilities of his printing business, he was also a key founder of Hatzalah of Miami-Dade: setting upthe initial system and radio towers, organizing training for the now 80+ Emergency Medical Technicians, supervising day-to-day operations and actually answering many Hatzalah emergency calls himself at all hours of the day and night. Zalmy also sits onthe board of the Barry University EMS Committee,furthering the goal of enhancing the professionalism ofall emergency medical services provided to the entireMiami-Dade community. Miriam, a North Miami Beach native, has been a respectededucator for over 16 years at our Yeshiva Toras Emes. In addition to working alongsideZalmy as a Hatzalah dispatcher, Miriam has long been involved with the ChevraKadisha and other local chessed organizations. Zalmy and Miriam strive to raise theirfive children to understand that they are part of a K’lal -- and to use the kochos thatHashem gave them to make a difference. They have truly heard and answered theircall, to give of themselves for the betterment of the community.

MICHAEL AND JAYME BENMELEH, both natives of South Florida, have been instrumental in the growth of Torah learning in the Highland Lakes community and beyond. Michael has learned with Rabbonim from our NMB Kollel for several years, including with the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer. Michael’s enthusiasm and excitement is palpable in all his endeavors. No matter how busy he is with his real-estate business, he keeps to his daily sedarim without fail. Michael and Jayme are renowned supporters of Torah, both in Miami and Eretz Yisroel. Their passion for spreading Torah in their community,combined with Michael’s position as Vice President of the Highland Lakes Synagogue, has spurred their creation of the “Lighthouse Project.” This new venture will feature five weekly classes for women, a S’micha program for baalei batim, and classes by many South Florida Rabbonim (including several members of the NMB Kollel!). The Lighthouse Project is sure to create a Beis Midrash atmosphere that will take Torah learning in Highland Lakes to yet an even higher level. Michael and Jayme are dedicated parents, bringing up their four children to be true Torah Jews and future role models for all of us. They have truly heard and answered their call, to give of themselves for the betterment of the community.

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