NMB Kollel's
7th Annual Dinner
February 22nd, 2015 6:00 PM

About The North Miami Beach Kollel

From the inception of the North Miami Beach Kollel in 2007, ourmembers have worked tirelessly to add to the Limud HaTorah and Kedusha of our stellar South Florida Kehilla. We are proud to have participated in the tremendous growth and development that our community has experienced since our arrival here over seven years ago. This past year we have been especially blessed, significantly increasing our Kollel learning programs by launching two new chaburos, nightly shiurim and a stronger Morning Kollel. We have also brought two new Kollel families to our community and received necessary permits to begin construction on our new building.

The Kollel currently delivers over 70 shiurim every week throughout South Florida.  In addition to our weekly shiurim in Aventura, Hollywood, Hollywood Beach, and Bal Harbour, the Kollel has Lunch-and-Learn sessions at various business locations in the area. Through our many programs and shiurim, the Kollel consistently reaches over 250 people on a weekly basis.

As we approach our annual Dinner, we also encourage you to answer your call and partner with us. Your support of the Kollel brings us all to new heights in strengthening Torah both in North Miami Beach and throughout South Florida.  Thank you. We look forward to greeting you on February 22 at our Dinner.

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